LinkedIn Unlocked
Learn how to turn your LinkedIn into a client-generating machine. No spam. No posting daily. No cold outreach. Just strategic inbound marketing methods taught to you by a pro.
GET THE SUPER SAVINGS OF £499 (usually £2400)

From crickets to a steady flow of clients, viral posts, and genuine collaborations

Go from zero presence on LinkedIn to 5-figure months, 6-figure contracts, and live events with 150+  attendees. Learn how to build an engaged audience of potential buyers on LinkedIn. Implement SEO and feel confident using keywords in your content strategy. And understand how to incorporate automation and Sales Navigator into your launch strategy to sell-out your group programs, have hundreds of people at your live events, and find and close high-paying clients.


Does this sound familiar?

You’re in deep with another coaching program but know that you need to focus on specific strategies that will actually bring money into your business NOW.

I am your consultant, not your coach. A coach enables and encourages you to solve problems, while a consultant is an expert that will solve problems for you. With my guidance, you can overcome your current challenges and reach your goals faster and more efficiently than if you were to go it alone. On average, my clients get ROI on the entire course investment within the first month.

You’ve given LinkedIn a go before, and it didn’t work.

I take a results-driven approach and work closely with you to develop a strategy that is specifically tailored to you. I've worked with numerous coaches from a variety of niches. Each of them now gets the majority of their clients through LinkedIn using the strategies I teach, including those who have had a similar experience to you. Let's have a conversation about how we can work together to achieve your business goals and succeed on LinkedIn.

Do you feel overwhelmed with your current strategy, and unsure if your message is even being heard?

I believe in using ethical sales and marketing strategies to ensure you meet your goals. It is possible to have a steady flow of new clients without using manipulative sales and marketing strategies. We'll work to develop messaging and communication strategies that highlight your value and how you serve and support your clients without creating scarcity or applying pressure to your audience. My goal is to help you develop a customised approach that achieves your goals, all while staying true to my values of kindness, compassion, and selling solutions with a genuine intention to serve.



Module 1: Create a Killer Profile that Converts

Start by getting clear on who your ideal client is and how you serve them.

Module 2: How to Get Found on LinkedIn

Learn how to write content that'll lead your prospects right into your arms using SEO.

Module 3: Content Creation for LinkedIn

Gone are the days of wondering what to post and when. Learn what content to create on LinkedIn and why.

Module 4: How to Engage with Purpose

No more posting into the wind. You'll cover the step-by-step daily actions to ensure your content gets traction  - EVERY - time you post.

Module 5: How to Track What is Working + Why

Do you wonder what is working, and why it's working? Learn how to build your strategy based on your marketing data (without using a spreadsheet).

Module 6: Sales Navigator for Lead Generation

Let's be real, Sales Nav. is not the most user-friendly tool out there. That is why we'll dive deep into how to use the tool to find + convert your ideal clients.

Module 7: Time Saving Tool Training

Set up automation tools that'll make your life 10x easier. Grow, scale, and convert high-ticket clients on LinkedIn in 20-minutes a day using these hacks.

Module 8: DM Strategy + Value Based Outreach

Copy & paste my DM scripts to help you open up conversations without feeling like you're forcing things. Strategically encourage your ideal client to ask to work with you, rather than trying to sell.

Module 9: Social Selling + Sales Call Strategy

Social selling takes your prospect through the sales process. From the point, they first interact with your brand to the sale. Learn the strategies I used in million-dollar launches.

Module 10: LinkedIn Lead Generation

Pull all the skills you've learnt together into your very own rinse and repeat organic lead generation strategy.

+$4200 of BONUSES

+ 160 content prompts

+ Complete Launch Calendar

+ The LinkedIn Launch 3-hour training

+ DM Scripts that drive conversions

+ Access to our private community

The LinkedIn Unlocked Course

10 modules of training to learn the exact tools and strategies used in million-dollar launches for international coaches and service providers across all industries.

Interactive workflows and checklists that you can personalize to create your very own rinse-and-repeat LinkedIn strategy.

Plus £2222+ worth of bonuses incl:
SEO and keyword research training (value of £1800)
Full launch calendar and strategy (value of £600)
A library of content prompts (value of £400)



Learn how to find & close high-ticket clients on LinkedIn

This was my 1st ever-free masterclass. 42 people turned up live and stayed till the end. 14 of those became clients, each paying between $6000 - $2000. The masterclass was exclusively marketed as an event on LinkedIn.

Why listen to me?

In 2022 I left my corporate career as a Marketing Executive with no following, personal brand, or website.

I'd spent years helping the companies I worked for go viral, make millions off of content, and hack their growth. But not once did I think to start building my personal brand on LinkedIn on the side, using the strategies I used every single day.

Rookie error.

Fortunately, that didn't matter. Because I had one thing in my favour: Expertise.

During my career, my marketing campaigns generated millions of dollars for international coaches and tech startups. When I went solo I applied the strategies used in those campaigns to my consulting services.

Within 3 months I was fully booked, with a waiting list, manically creating a course to scale my one-to-one offer so I could serve the online service providers, coaches, and wellness experts waiting to work with me.

In my first year, I exceeded £100,000+ in cash, launched and sold out a group course (twice), worked with 34 one-to-one clients, taught over 400 students in free events, and was invited to speak at multiple paid workshops and summits.

My story is living proof that launching your personal brand on LinkedIn doesn't have to be a creative struggle. And being a sold-out entrepreneur doesn't need to be difficult.

If you've got the skills to turn lives around; I've got the plan and experience to keep your calendar full.


LinkedIn Unlocked is for you if...

  • You are a coach, consultant, service provider, wellness expert or someone with a purpose looking to leverage the power of LinkedIn to grow your business.
  • You are bored of having to post every single day and are craving a marketing strategy that doesn't involve constantly being on your phone.
  • You are over spending hours creating Instagram reels only to get 1000 views and one comment from a spammy account trying to sell you something.
  • You are dead set on this year being a 6-figure year. You are all in.
  • You dream of hosting live events with 150+ individuals, creating opportunities for networking and expanding your reach.
  • You understand the importance of building a solid personal brand and want to learn how to effectively position yourself as an authority in your industry on LinkedIn.
  • You are motivated, ambitious, and willing to put in the necessary effort to achieve remarkable results on LinkedIn and accelerate the growth of your business.

LinkedIn Unlocked is NOT for

  • If you're looking for a quick get-rich scheme. This space is for people who have a genuine desire to serve.
  • You do not have a business or offer set up yet (send me a DM, I have another solution for you).
  • If you’re unwilling to step out of your comfort zones and be brave in showcasing your expertise and engaging with your audience online.
  • If you're seeking overnight success without being ready to invest the effort, dedication, required when building meaningful connections.
  • If you are not open to learning and implementing new strategies, techniques, and best practices to maximise your impact on LinkedIn.
  • Individuals who are not ready to commit to the program and fully participate in the learning process, including active engagement with the program content and community.




Success for our client's personal brands across all industries


Frequently asked questions...

Who is this for?

Any service provider, coach, consultant, or soon-to-be who wants to find their clients online, charge high-ticket; and build a personal brand.

FYI: LinkedIn is not a platform reserved for corporate cronies. It welcomes all online coaches and consultants, from holistic nutritionists to leadership coaches. Our clients have scaled to consistent £10k - £20k months and found their first 6-figure contracts on LinkedIn.

Why LinkedIn & why now?

As a personal brand, you need an online presence.

There really is no getting around it.

LinkedIn is the #1 business platform, if your goal is to make money and find clients it's the logical space to build a network.

The amount of personal brands taking to LinkedIn to find clients and build an audience is increasingly rapidly, if you want to be the authority within your field the time to start is now.

Why should I listen to you?

As a Marketing Executive, I (Molly, the Founder) managed multi-million dollar launches for tech companies ad Internationally renowned coaches.

The platform that always provided the most organic leads was LinkedIn, time after time. That is why I chose to teach the platform... because it works.

Do you have a guarantee?

I back the strategies I teach 110%.

If you have completed the course and implemented the strategies for 4 months and still aren't happy, you'll get your money back.

How long until I see results?

Some of our clients have landed their first paying customer within the first 2 weeks! This will depend on how clear you are on your ideal client and how active you are on LinkedIn.

In the first year of using the exact strategies in this course, I made £100k in cash in under a year, all from LinkedIn. No Ads, no paid-marketing, no influencers... just inbound lead generation strategies.

How long do I get access?

You'll get access to the course materials and all updates for one year, these are done on a monthly basis.

Access to the exclusive community for 1 year.

Can I have extra support?

You are also welcome to book extra consultations with me to up-level your business practices and marketing plan.

Still have a question?

If you cannot find answer to your questions in our FAQ, you can always contact us.


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